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Definition of Blogging and How it can Help Your Business to Grow

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The definition of blogging dates back to several years ago when people had opportunity to share their personal information on a small website page.

Then, people used what was called web logs to pass their personal information about things.

Some of the things people wrote about on weblogs include personal opinions, mood, family events, etc.

And over time, technology kept growing to the point, web logs became known as blogs.

Also, with the viral spreading of blogs on the internet, many started realizing ways to leverage on them for the growth of businesses.

Crucially, one of the characteristics of a blog is that it has provision for readers to drop comments referred to as comment box.

More so, blogs are updated regularly which make them friendlier to search engines like Google, Bing, yandex and many others.

Hence, blogging can be defined as the act of creating a blog, crafting its contents and having the required skill to manage and maintain the blog regularly.

Therefore, bloggers are those who blog for a living.

Meaning, bloggers blog for a living.

Why Definition Of Blogging Can’t Be Complete Without Mentioning its Differences from Website

It is understandable when people show they don’t know the distinction between a blog and a website.

Although both have some similarities like having a url, been run over an internet, having page(s) etc., they are different in terms of what they offer.

While website displays information in either static or dynamic pages for its visitors, blogs publish information and provide room for follow up and comments.

As well, websites are sparingly updated based on when new information is available.

However, blogs require regular updates via content publishing.

And this is what makes blogs easily go viral because search engines prefer sites that are regularly updated.

Blogs easily pull a lot of traffic due to lots of content in them compared to websites.

How can Blogging or Blogs Help your business grow?

  1. Blogging helps to draw online traffic to your business
  2. And blogging helps in making conversion of customers to your business easy
  3. You can use blog content to keep your customers engaged
  4. Blogging helps to make your business stand out from the crowd
  5. blogging row demand and interest of online visitors in your products and services.
  6. Showcases what your business is capable of delivering in terms of the services you offer.

A few things to note about becoming a professional blogger

I have being blogging for the past 6 years hence to some extent I can tell you to be successful in blogging you must take note of the following

  1. Blogging requires time
  2. Hard work
  3. A lot of research
  4. Knowledge and authority on your selected niche
  5. Discipline
  6. And a few coins to pay for data, domain etc.

But note that by the time you start hitting it in blogging, the sky will be your take-off-point. Because you will be glad you sacrificed.

I hope this article has indeed explained the definition of blogging and its benefits to your business to your understanding.

Do let me know if there is anything you will like us to clarify with respect to this article.

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