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7 Easy Ways to Boost Wi-Fi Signal

Wi-Fi signal
Wi-Fi Router

In this write-up, we will discuss ways by which we can boost Wi-Fi signal strength.

Wi-Fi is a technology that uses radio frequency signals to provide wireless network thereby allowing network/internet users to connect to the network without using a cable. Wi-Fi makes use of devices to achieve that. One of the examples of the devices is a Wi-Fi router. During our discussion on this article we will mostly be referring to the said Wi-Fi  router as just  device or  Wi-Fi device. read more

Share Phone Internet With Computer In Year 2020

Share Phone Internet
Smart Phone

Let us  learn how  to share phone internet with other devices like laptop, desktop computer and tablet.

Having internet service in smart phones is good as it allows for handy use of internet on motion. It’s like saying  you are carrying the world in your pocket. Mobile phones aside their primary function of voice call, are also very useful in other means of communication such as mobile researching, email messaging, transfer of files via Wi-Fi, SMS, social networking, gaming,  video messaging, entertainment etc. read more

7 Tips to Secure Mobile Phone

secure phone.

In this article, we explain 7 different tips  we can use to  secure mobile phone..

The level of  closeness some of us develop to our mobile phones  sometimes grow so tight   to the extent that  often times the feeling of losing them is unbearable  due to tons of information stored in them and the frequent interactions we often make with the devices. read more

Every Business Needs a Website

biz need website

There are almost uncountable reasons why every business needs a website.

” Does my motor spare parts business require a website?”

That question was put forth to me by someone whom I was introduced to by a friend as an IT consultant some time ago.

Mr. John just casually asked me after I met with  him “Hello Mr. consultant, I am a dealer on all kinds of motor spare parts and my shop is located at  Onyigbo market Lagos Nigeria, do you really think I need a website for this type of business?” read more